Directory: Canadian Business Patterns License: Access restricted to University of Saskatchewan faculty, staff and students for non-commercial study and research by DLI license agreement. Abstract: The Canadian Business Patterns contains data that reflect counts of business establishments by: 9 employment size ranges, including "indeterminate" (as of December 1997); geography groupings: province/territory, census division, census subdivision, census metropolitan area and census agglomeration; and Standard Industrial Classification which classifies each establishment in Canada into a specific industry (tables at the 1, 2, 3 and 4-digit level). Since the December 1998 reference period, these data are also presented using the North American Industry Classification System (tables at the 2, 3, 4 and 6-digit level). A concordance table showing the relationships between both classification systems is included with the product. The Canadian Business Patterns is packaged with software that allows the user the flexibility of manipulating and viewing the data on a customized basis. Downloaded May 28, 2007 CK