%LET DATAIN="XXX"; proc format; /* GREGION format applies to: GREGION */ VALUE GREGION 1 = "Atlantic" 2 = "Quebec" 3 = "Ontario" 4 = "Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta" 5 = "British Columbia"; /* CMA_REG format applies to: CMA_REG */ VALUE CMA_REG 10 = "Atlantic,non-CMA" 11 = "Atlantic,CMA" 20 = "Quebec, non-CMA" 21 = "Quebec, CMA" 30 = "Ontario, non-CMA" 31 = "Ontario, CMA" 40 = "Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, non-CMA" 41 = "Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, CMA" 60 = "British Columbia, non-CMA" 61 = "British Columbia, CMA"; /* G2AGE format applies to: G2AGE */ VALUE G2AGE 01 = "18 to 24" 02 = "25 to 34" 03 = "35 to 44" 04 = "45 to 54" 05 = "55 to 59" 06 = "60 to 64" 07 = "65 to 69" 08 = "70 and over" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* SEX format applies to: SEX */ VALUE SEX 1 = "Male" 2 = "Female"; /* GGMRSTAT format applies to: GGMRSTAT */ VALUE GGMRSTAT 01 = "Married" 02 = "Living common law" 03 = "Widow or Widower" 04 = "Separated" 05 = "Divorced" 06 = "Single, never married" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* GNHHSIZE format applies to: GNHHSIZE */ VALUE GNHHSIZE 01 = "One" 02 = "Two" 03 = "Three" 04 = "Four" 05 = "Five" 06 = "Six or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* GGHH18PL format applies to: GGHH18PL */ VALUE GGHH18PL 1 = "One" 2 = "Two" 3 = "Three" 4 = "Four or more" 9 = "Not stated"; /* GGHHLT18F format applies to: GGHHLT18 */ VALUE GGHHLT18F 0 = "None" 1 = "One" 2 = "Two" 3 = "Three" 4 = "Four or more" 9 = "Not stated"; /* GGHHLT12F format applies to: GGHHLT12 */ VALUE GGHHLT12F 0 = "None" 1 = "One" 2 = "Two" 3 = "Three or more" 9 = "Not stated"; /* GGR2REF format applies to: GGR2REF */ VALUE GGR2REF 01 = "Respondent and reference person are same person" 02 = "Spouse" 03 = "Common-law partner" 04 = "Parent, Birth parent, Step parent, Adoptive parent" 05 = "Child, Birth child, Step child, Adopted child" 06 = "Sibling, Full sibling, Half sibling, Step sibling" 07 = "Other related, including in-laws" 08 = "Unrelated" 99 = "Not stated"; /* GFRSTLNG format applies to: GFRSTLNG */ VALUE GFRSTLNG 1 = "English" 2 = "French" 3 = "Other" 4 = "Combination of 2 or more languages" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DM_G04F format applies to: DM_G04 */ VALUE DM_G04F 1 = "Canadian citizen by naturalization" 2 = "Landed immigrant or permanent resident" 3 = "Other" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DM_G05F format applies to: DM_G05 */ VALUE DM_G05F 01 = "Prior to 1950" 02 = "1950 to 1959" 03 = "1960 to 1969" 04 = "1970 to 1979" 05 = "1980 to 1989" 06 = "1990 to 1999" 07 = "2000 and later" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* tYesNo format applies to: DM_Q06 DM_Q09 DM_Q11 LF_G02 LF_G06 OE_Q04A OE_Q04B OE_Q04C OE_Q04D OE_Q04E OE_Q04F OE_Q04H OE_Q06 OE_Q11 FM_Q02A FM_Q02B FM_Q02C FM_Q02D FM_Q02E FM_Q02F FM_Q02G FM_Q02H FM_Q02I FM_Q02J FM_Q03A FM_Q03B FM_Q03C FM_Q03D FM_Q03E FM_Q03F FM_Q03G FM_Q03H FM_Q03I FM_Q03J FM_Q05 FM_Q06A FM_Q06B FM_Q06C FM_Q07 ME_Q01 ME_Q03A ME_Q03B ME_Q03C ME_Q03D ME_Q03E ME_Q03F ME_Q03G ME_Q03H ME_Q03I ME_Q03J ME_Q03K ME_Q03L ME_Q03M ME_Q03N ME_Q03O ME_Q07 ME_Q11A ME_Q11B ME_Q11C ME_Q11D ME_Q11E ME_Q11F ME_Q11G ME_Q11H ME_Q11I ME_Q11J ME_Q11K ME_Q11L ME_Q11M ME_Q13A ME_Q13B ME_Q13C ME_Q13D ME_Q13E ME_Q13F ME_Q13G ME_Q13H ME_Q13I ME_Q14 EF_Q01 EF_Q02 EF_Q03A EF_Q03B EF_Q03C EF_Q03D EF_Q03E EF_Q03F EF_Q03G EF_Q04A EF_Q04B EF_Q04C EF_Q04D EF_Q04E EF_Q04F EF_Q04G EF_Q04H EF_Q04I EF_Q04J EF_Q05A EF_Q05B EF_Q05C EF_Q05D EF_Q05E EF_Q05F EF_Q05G EF_Q05H RP_Q01 RP_Q02A RP_Q02B RP_Q02C RP_Q02D RP_Q02E RP_Q02F RP_Q02G RP_Q02H RP_Q02I RP_Q02J RP_Q02K RP_Q06A RP_Q06B RP_Q06C RP_Q06D RP_Q06E RP_Q06F RP_Q06G RP_Q06H RP_Q06I RP_Q06J RP_Q06K RP_Q06L RP_Q09 RP_Q11 AD_Q01A AD_Q01B AD_Q01C AD_Q01D AD_Q01E AD_Q01F AD_Q03 AD_Q05 AD_Q07A AD_Q07B AD_Q07C AD_Q07D AD_Q07E AD_Q07F AD_Q07G AD_Q09A AD_Q09B AD_Q09C AD_Q09D AD_Q09E AD_Q11A AD_Q11B AD_Q11C AD_Q11D AD_Q11E AD_Q11F AD_Q11G AD_Q11H IN_Q01A IN_Q01B IN_Q01C IN_Q01D IN_Q01E IN_Q01F IN_Q01G IN_Q01H IN_Q01I FC_Q01A FC_Q01B FC_Q01C FC_Q01D FC_Q01E FC_Q01F FC_Q01G FC_Q01H FC_Q01I FC_Q01J FC_Q01K FC_Q02A FC_Q02B FC_Q02C FC_Q02D FC_Q02E FC_Q02F FC_Q02G FC_Q02H FC_Q02I FC_Q02J FC_Q02K FC_Q02L FC_Q02M FC_Q02N FC_Q02O FC_Q02P FC_Q03 FC_Q04A FC_Q04B FC_Q04C FC_Q04D FC_Q04E FC_Q04F FC_Q04G FC_Q04H FC_Q04I FC_Q05A FC_Q05B FC_Q05C FC_Q05D FC_Q05E FC_Q05F FC_Q05G FC_Q05H FC_Q05I FC_Q05J FC_Q05K FC_Q06A FC_Q06B FC_Q06C FC_Q06D FC_Q06E FC_Q06F FC_Q06G FC_Q06H FC_Q07A FC_Q07B FC_Q07C FC_Q07D FC_Q07E FC_Q07F FC_Q07G FC_Q07H FC_Q07I FC_Q08 FC_Q09 FC_Q10 FC_Q12 OA_Q01 */ VALUE tYesNo 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DM_G08F format applies to: DM_G08 */ VALUE DM_G08F 01 = "Less than a high school diploma" 02 = "High school diploma or equivalent" 03 = "Some college, university without degree" 04 = "College, trade, vocational or technical school" 05 = "University undergraduate degree" 06 = "University graduate degree (including professional degrees)" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* DM_Q10F format applies to: DM_Q10 */ VALUE DM_Q10F 1 = "Work, professional development" 2 = "Personal interest" 3 = "Both" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* EMPLOY format applies to: LF_G01 LF_G05 */ VALUE EMPLOY 01 = "Employed" 02 = "Self-employed" 03 = "Not working and looking for work" 04 = "Not working and not looking for work" 05 = "Retired" 06 = "A student (including work programs)" 07 = "Doing unpaid household work" 08 = "Other" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OCC6PREV format applies to: OCC6PREV */ VALUE OCC6PREV 01 = "Management Occupations" 02 = "Business, Finance and Administrative Occupations" 03 = "Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations" 04 = "Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion" 05 = "Sales And Service Occupations" 06 = "Trades, Primary Industry, Manufacturing" 96 = "Valid Skip" 99 = "Not Stated"; /* OCC6CURR format applies to: OCC6CURR */ VALUE OCC6CURR 01 = "Management Occupations" 02 = "Business, Finance and Administrative Occupations" 03 = "Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations" 04 = "Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion" 05 = "Sales And Service Occupations" 06 = "Trades, Primary Industry, Manufacturing" 96 = "Valid Skip" 99 = "Not Stated"; /* OCC6SPSE format applies to: OCC6SPSE */ VALUE OCC6SPSE 01 = "Management Occupations" 02 = "Business, Finance and Administrative Occupations" 03 = "Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations" 04 = "Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion" 05 = "Sales And Service Occupations" 06 = "Trades, Primary Industry, Manufacturing" 96 = "Valid Skip" 99 = "Not Stated"; /* OE_Q01F format applies to: OE_Q01 */ VALUE OE_Q01F 01 = "Mainly you" 02 = "Mainly your spouse/partner" 03 = "You share the responsibility equally" 04 = "Mainly someone else in the household" 05 = "Nobody in particular" 06 = "Someone outside of the household" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_G02AA format applies to: OE_G02AA */ VALUE OE_G02AA 1 = "Zero account" 2 = "One account" 3 = "Two accounts" 4 = "Three accounts" 5 = "Four or more accounts" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_G02B format applies to: OE_G02B */ VALUE OE_G02B 01 = "Zero account" 02 = "One account" 03 = "Two accounts" 04 = "Three accounts" 05 = "Four accounts" 06 = "Five accounts" 07 = "Six or more accounts" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_D02F format applies to: OE_D02 */ VALUE OE_D02F 01 = "0 personal and joint accounts" 02 = "1 personal and joint account" 03 = "2 personal and joint accounts" 04 = "3 personal and joint accounts" 05 = "4 personal and joint accounts" 06 = "5 personal and joint accounts" 07 = "6 personal and joint accounts" 08 = "7 personal and joint accounts" 09 = "8 personal and joint accounts" 10 = "9 personal and joint accounts" 11 = "10 or more personal and joint accounts" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_G03F format applies to: OE_G03 */ VALUE OE_G03F 1 = "One institution" 2 = "Two institutions" 3 = "Three institutions" 4 = "Four or more institutions" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q05F format applies to: OE_Q05 */ VALUE OE_Q05F 01 = "Daily" 02 = "Weekly" 03 = "Every two weeks" 04 = "Monthly" 05 = "Yearly" 06 = "Never" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q07F format applies to: OE_Q07 */ VALUE OE_Q07F 01 = "Debit or bankcard at your own financial institutions" 02 = "Debit or bankcard at another cash machine" 03 = "Use your debit or bankcard at a non-bank cash machine" 04 = "Cash a cheque from your own account" 05 = "Use a credit card to get a cash advance" 06 = "Go to the bank and make a withdrawal" 07 = "Ask for cash back when making a purchase" 08 = "Get paid in cash everyday" 09 = "Do something else" 10 = "Never use cash" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q08F format applies to: OE_Q08 */ VALUE OE_Q08F 1 = "With cash" 2 = "With a debit card (bankcard)" 3 = "With a credit card" 4 = "Other" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q09F format applies to: OE_Q09 */ VALUE OE_Q09F 01 = "At an automatic teller machine (ATM)" 02 = "At a bank teller" 03 = "By telephone banking" 04 = "By internet banking" 05 = "By cheque through the mail" 06 = "By preauthorized withdrawals from an account" 07 = "By preauthorized payments on a credit card" 08 = "In person with cash" 09 = "Other" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q10F format applies to: OE_Q10 */ VALUE OE_Q10F 1 = "To collect reward points (e.g. loyalty program)" 2 = "Short of money, no choice" 3 = "Convenience, accounting purposes" 4 = "To build my credit rating" 5 = "Other" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q12F format applies to: OE_Q12 */ VALUE OE_Q12F 1 = "Always" 2 = "Usually" 3 = "Rarely" 4 = "Never" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_G13F format applies to: OE_G13 */ VALUE OE_G13F 1 = "Under $2,000" 2 = "$2,000 to less than $4,000" 3 = "$4,000 to less than $6,000" 4 = "$6,000 or over" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* LATEPMTS format applies to: LATEPMTS */ VALUE LATEPMTS 1 = "Behind in none" 2 = "Behind in one" 3 = "Behind in any two" 4 = "Behind in all three" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OE_Q17F format applies to: OE_Q17 */ VALUE OE_Q17F 1 = "Bills and commitments without any problems" 2 = "bills and commitments, but it is sometimes a struggle" 3 = "Having real financial problems" 4 = "Don't have any bills or credit commitments" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* FM_Q01F format applies to: FM_Q01 */ VALUE FM_Q01F 01 = "Mainly you" 02 = "Mainly your spouse/partner" 03 = "You share the responsibility equally" 04 = "Mainly someone else in the household" 05 = "Nobody in particular" 06 = "Someone outside of the household" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* PMKSTAT format applies to: PMKSTAT */ VALUE PMKSTAT 01 = "Mainly responsible for both OE and FM" 02 = "Share responsibility for both OE and FM" 03 = "Spouse is mainly responsible for both OE and FM" 04 = "Someone else in household is responsible for both OE and FM" 05 = "Mainly responsible for OE and share responsibility for FM" 06 = "Spouse is mainly responsible for OE and share resp for FM" 07 = "All other combinations of FM and OE except for DK and RF" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* FM_G04A format applies to: FM_G04A */ VALUE FM_G04A 1 = "Never" 2 = "One time" 3 = "Twice" 4 = "Three times or more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* FM_G04B format applies to: FM_G04B */ VALUE FM_G04B 1 = "Never" 2 = "One time" 3 = "Twice" 4 = "Three times or more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* FM_G04C format applies to: FM_G04C */ VALUE FM_G04C 1 = "Never" 2 = "One time" 3 = "Twice" 4 = "Three times or more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* ME_G02F format applies to: ME_G02 */ VALUE ME_G02F 01 = "Car" 02 = "Cottage" 03 = "Home improvement or repair" 04 = "Travel" 05 = "Wedding" 06 = "Recreational vehicle" 07 = "Second home or investment property" 08 = "Other" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* TENURE format applies to: TENURE */ VALUE TENURE 1 = "Immediate family owns principal residence without mortgage" 2 = "Immediate family owns principal residence with a mortgage" 3 = "No one in immediate family owns principal residence" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* ME_G06F format applies to: ME_G06 */ VALUE ME_G06F 01 = "0 to 4 years" 02 = "5 to 9 years" 03 = "10 to 14 years" 04 = "15 to 19 years" 05 = "20 to 24 years" 06 = "25 to 29 years" 07 = "30 to 34 years" 08 = "35 to 39 years" 09 = "40 years or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* ME_Q08F format applies to: ME_Q08 */ VALUE ME_Q08F 1 = "Less than six months" 2 = "Six months to just under one year" 3 = "One to just under two years" 4 = "Two to just under three years" 5 = "Three or more years" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* ME_Q09F format applies to: ME_Q09 */ VALUE ME_Q09F 1 = "Less than $100,000" 2 = "$100,000 to less than $200,000" 3 = "$200,000 to less than $300,000" 4 = "$300,000 to less than $500,000" 5 = "$500,000 or more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* ME_Q10F format applies to: ME_Q10 */ VALUE ME_Q10F 01 = "Less than 5%" 02 = "5 to 10%" 03 = "11 to 20%" 04 = "21 to 50%" 05 = "51 to 75%" 06 = "76 to 100%" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* YESNO format applies to: ME_Q12 SA_Q06 */ VALUE YESNO 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* RP_Q03F format applies to: RP_Q03 */ VALUE RP_Q03F 1 = "One" 2 = "Two" 3 = "Three or more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* RP_Q04F format applies to: RP_Q04 */ VALUE RP_Q04F 1 = "Based on the return on contributions to the plan" 2 = "Based on the contributor' earnings and number of years" 3 = "Both" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* RP_G05A format applies to: RP_G05A */ VALUE RP_G05A 01 = "0 to 4 years" 02 = "5 to 9 years" 03 = "10 to 14 years" 04 = "15 to 19 years" 05 = "20 to 24 years" 06 = "25 to 29 years" 07 = "30 or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* RP_Q07F format applies to: RP_Q07 */ VALUE RP_Q07F 01 = "Government pension benefits (CPP, QPP, OAS, GIS)" 02 = "Occupational or workplace pension plan benefits" 03 = "Medical or disability pension" 04 = "Personal retirement savings plan benefits (RRSP, RSP)" 05 = "Retirement Income Funds" 06 = "Use an inheritance" 07 = "Rely on financial support from my family" 08 = "Draw an income from your own (or your partner's) business" 09 = "Earnings from employment in retirement" 10 = "Sale of assets" 11 = "Rental income" 12 = "Other" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* RP_Q08F format applies to: RP_Q08 */ VALUE RP_Q08F 1 = "Very confident" 2 = "Fairly confident" 3 = "Not very confident" 4 = "Not at all confident" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* RP_Q10F format applies to: RP_Q10 */ VALUE RP_Q10F 1 = "Much better than expected" 2 = "Better than expected" 3 = "As expected" 4 = "Not as good as expected" 5 = "Much worse than expected" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* AD_G02F format applies to: AD_G02 */ VALUE AD_G02F 01 = "Less than $100,000" 02 = "$100,000 to less than $200,000" 03 = "$200,000 to less than $300,000" 04 = "$300,000 to less than $400,000" 05 = "$400,000 to less than $500,000" 06 = "$500,000 to less than $600,000" 07 = "$600,000 to less than $700,000" 08 = "$700,000 to less than $800,000" 09 = "$800,000 to less than $900,000" 10 = "$900,000 to less than $1,000,000" 11 = "$1,000,000 and over" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* AD_G04A format applies to: AD_G04A */ VALUE AD_G04A 01 = "Less than $25,000" 02 = "$25,000 to less than $50,000" 03 = "$50,000 to less than $75,000" 04 = "$75,000 to less than $100,000" 05 = "$100,000 to less than $125,000" 06 = "$125,000 to less than $200,000" 07 = "$200,000 to less than $250,000" 08 = "$250,000 and over" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* AD_G06F format applies to: AD_G06 */ VALUE AD_G06F 01 = "Less than $5,000" 02 = "$5,000 to less than $10,000" 03 = "$10,000 to less than $15,000" 04 = "$15,000 to less than $20,000" 05 = "$20,000 to less than $25,000" 06 = "$25,000 and over" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* AD_G08F format applies to: AD_G08 */ VALUE AD_G08F 01 = "Less than $10,000" 02 = "$10,000 to $29,999" 03 = "$30,000 to $49,999" 04 = "$50,000 to $74,999" 05 = "$75,000 to $99,999" 06 = "$100,000 and over" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* AD_G10A format applies to: AD_G10A */ VALUE AD_G10A 1 = "Less than $100,000" 2 = "$100,000 to less than $200,000" 3 = "$200,000 to less than $300,000" 4 = "$300,000 to less than $500,000" 5 = "$500,000 and more" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* VALUE format applies to: G_ASSETS */ VALUE VALUE 999999996 = "Valid skip" 999999997 = "Don't know" 999999998 = "Refusal" 999999999 = "Not stated" other = [Z9.]; /* AD_G12F format applies to: AD_G12 */ VALUE AD_G12F 01 = "Less than $50,000" 02 = "$50,000 to $99,999" 03 = "$100,000 to $149,999" 04 = "$150,000 to $199,999" 05 = "$200,000 to $249,999" 06 = "$250,000 or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* IN_D01F format applies to: IN_D01 */ VALUE IN_D01F 01 = "Zero sources of income" 02 = "One source of income" 03 = "Two sources of income" 04 = "Three sources of income" 05 = "Four sources of income" 06 = "Five or more sources of income" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* IN_G02F format applies to: IN_G02 */ VALUE IN_G02F 01 = "Less than $20,000" 02 = "$20,000 to less than $40,000" 03 = "$40,000 to less than $60,000" 04 = "$60,000 to less than $80,000" 05 = "$80,000 to less than $100,000" 06 = "$100,000 and more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* PINCQUIN format applies to: PINCQUIN */ VALUE PINCQUIN 1 = "Less than $13,001 (0 to 20%)" 2 = "$13,001 - $24,999 (21 to 40%)" 3 = "$25,000 - $39,999 (41 to 60%)" 4 = "$40,000 - $62,999 (61 to 80%)" 5 = "$63,000 and over (81 to 100%)"; /* PINCDEC format applies to: PINCDEC */ VALUE PINCDEC 01 = "Less than $8,001 (0 to 10%)" 02 = "$8,001 - $13,000 (11 to 20%)" 03 = "$13,001 - $19,999 (21 to 30%)" 04 = "$20,000 - $24,999 (31 to 40%)" 05 = "$25,000 - $32,999 (41 to 50%)" 06 = "$33,000 - $39,999 (51 to 60%)" 07 = "$40,000 - $49,999 (61 to 70%)" 08 = "$50,000 - $62,999 (71 to 80%)" 09 = "$63,000 - $84,999 (81 to 90%)" 10 = "$85,000 and over (91 to 100%)"; /* IN_G04F format applies to: IN_G04 */ VALUE IN_G04F 01 = "Less than $25,000" 02 = "$25,000 to less than $50,000" 03 = "$50,000 to less than $75,000" 04 = "$75,000 to less than $100,000" 05 = "$100,000 to less than $125,000" 06 = "$125,000 to less than $150,000" 07 = "$150,000 or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refusal" 99 = "Not stated"; /* HINCQUIN format applies to: HINCQUIN */ VALUE HINCQUIN 1 = "Less than $32,001 (0 to 20%)" 2 = "$32,001 - $54,999 (21 to 40%)" 3 = "$55,000 - $79,999 (41 to 60%)" 4 = "$80,000 - $119,999 (61 to 80%)" 5 = "$120,000 and over (81 to 100%)"; /* HINCDEC format applies to: HINCDEC */ VALUE HINCDEC 01 = "Less than $20,001 (0 to 10%)" 02 = "$20,001 - $32,000 (11 to 20%)" 03 = "$32,001 - $42,999 (21 to 30%)" 04 = "$43,000 - $54,999 (31 to 40%)" 05 = "$55,000 - $65,999 (41 to 50%)" 06 = "$66,000 - $79,999 (51 to 60%)" 07 = "$80,000 - $99,999 (61 to 70%)" 08 = "$100,000 - $119,999 (71 to 80%)" 09 = "$120,000 - $149,999 (81 to 90%)" 10 = "$150,000 and over (91 to 100%)"; /* FC_Q11F format applies to: FC_Q11 */ VALUE FC_Q11F 1 = "Within the last 12 months" 2 = "Within the last 5 years" 3 = "Within the last decade" 4 = "More than 10 years ago" 5 = "Never" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* SA_Q01F format applies to: SA_Q01 */ VALUE SA_Q01F 1 = "Very knowledgeable" 2 = "Knowledgeable" 3 = "Fairly knowledgeable" 4 = "Not very knowledgeable" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* AVGRATE format applies to: SA_Q02 SA_Q03 SA_Q04 SA_Q05 */ VALUE AVGRATE 1 = "Very good" 2 = "Good" 3 = "Fairly good" 4 = "Not very good" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* AGREE format applies to: SA_Q07 SA_Q08 SA_Q09 SA_Q10 SA_Q11 SA_Q12 SA_Q13 SA_Q14 */ VALUE AGREE 1 = "Agree" 2 = "Disagree" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q02F format applies to: OA_Q02 */ VALUE OA_Q02F 1 = "A list of your financial assets and liabilities" 2 = "A monthly credit card statement" 3 = "A loan and bill payment history" 4 = "A credit line with a financial institution" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q03F format applies to: OA_Q03 */ VALUE OA_Q03F 1 = "The National Deposit Insurance Corporation" 2 = "The Securities and Exchange Commission" 3 = "The Bank of Canada" 4 = "No one" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q04F format applies to: OA_Q04 */ VALUE OA_Q04F 1 = "True" 2 = "False" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q05F format applies to: OA_Q05 */ VALUE OA_Q05F 1 = "A young single woman with two young children" 2 = "A young single woman without children" 3 = "An elderly retired man, with a wife who is also retired" 4 = "A young married man without children" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q06F format applies to: OA_Q06 */ VALUE OA_Q06F 1 = "Sales tax may be charged on the interest that you earn" 2 = "You cannot earn interest until you pass your 18th birthday" 3 = "Earnings from savings account interest may not be taxed" 4 = "Income tax may be charged" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q07F format applies to: OA_Q07 */ VALUE OA_Q07F 1 = "Young working couples with no children" 2 = "Young working couples with children" 3 = "Older, working couples saving for retirement" 4 = "Older people living on fixed retirement income" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q08F format applies to: OA_Q08 */ VALUE OA_Q08F 1 = "Corporate bonds" 2 = "Mutual Funds" 3 = "A bank savings account" 4 = "Locked in a safe at home" 5 = "Stocks" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q09F format applies to: OA_Q09 */ VALUE OA_Q09F 1 = "A twenty-five year corporate bond" 2 = "A house financed with a fixed-rate mortgage" 3 = "A 10-year bond issued by a corporation" 4 = "A certificate of deposit at a bank" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q10F format applies to: OA_Q10 */ VALUE OA_Q10F 1 = "When something goes on sale" 2 = "Interest on the loan is greater than the interest obtained" 3 = "When buying something on credit" 4 = "It is always more beneficial to borrow money" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q11F format applies to: OA_Q11 */ VALUE OA_Q11F 1 = "You can get cash anywhere in the world with no fee" 2 = "You must have a bank account to have an ATM card" 3 = "You can generally get cash 24 hours-a-day" 4 = "You can generally obtain information" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q12F format applies to: OA_Q12 */ VALUE OA_Q12F 1 = "Making late payments on loans and debts" 2 = "Staying in one job too long" 3 = "Living in the same location too long" 4 = "Using your credit card frequently for purchases" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q13F format applies to: OA_Q13 */ VALUE OA_Q13F 1 = "Your credit rating" 2 = "How much you borrow" 3 = "How long you take to repay the loan" 4 = "All of the above" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* OA_Q14F format applies to: OA_Q14 */ VALUE OA_Q14F 1 = "Paying off the mortgage over a long period of time" 2 = "Agreeing to pay the current rate of interest" 3 = "Making a larger down payment at the time of purchase" 4 = "Making a smaller down payment at the time of purchase" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; run; data DATA1; infile &DATAIN LRECL=393 MISSOVER PAD; input @00001 PUMFID 5. @00006 GREGION 1. @00007 CMA_REG 2. @00009 G2AGE 2. @00011 SEX 1. @00012 GGMRSTAT 2. @00014 GNHHSIZE 2. @00016 GGHH18PL 1. @00017 GGHHLT18 1. @00018 GGHHLT12 1. @00019 GGR2REF 2. @00021 GFRSTLNG 1. @00022 DM_G04 1. @00023 DM_G05 2. @00025 DM_Q06 1. @00026 DM_G08 2. @00028 DM_Q09 1. @00029 DM_Q10 1. @00030 DM_Q11 1. @00031 LF_G01 2. @00033 LF_G02 1. @00034 OCC6PREV 2. @00036 OCC6CURR 2. @00038 LF_G05 2. @00040 LF_G06 1. @00041 OCC6SPSE 2. @00043 OE_Q01 2. @00045 OE_G02AA 1. @00046 OE_G02B 2. @00048 OE_D02 2. @00050 OE_G03 1. @00051 OE_Q04A 1. @00052 OE_Q04B 1. @00053 OE_Q04C 1. @00054 OE_Q04D 1. @00055 OE_Q04E 1. @00056 OE_Q04F 1. @00057 OE_Q04H 1. @00058 OE_Q05 2. @00060 OE_Q06 1. @00061 OE_Q07 2. @00063 OE_Q08 1. @00064 OE_Q09 2. @00066 OE_Q10 1. @00067 OE_Q11 1. @00068 OE_Q12 1. @00069 OE_G13 1. @00070 LATEPMTS 1. @00071 OE_Q17 1. @00072 FM_Q01 2. @00074 PMKSTAT 2. @00076 FM_Q02A 1. @00077 FM_Q02B 1. @00078 FM_Q02C 1. @00079 FM_Q02D 1. @00080 FM_Q02E 1. @00081 FM_Q02F 1. @00082 FM_Q02G 1. @00083 FM_Q02H 1. @00084 FM_Q02I 1. @00085 FM_Q02J 1. @00086 FM_Q03A 1. @00087 FM_Q03B 1. @00088 FM_Q03C 1. @00089 FM_Q03D 1. @00090 FM_Q03E 1. @00091 FM_Q03F 1. @00092 FM_Q03G 1. @00093 FM_Q03H 1. @00094 FM_Q03I 1. @00095 FM_Q03J 1. @00096 FM_G04A 1. @00097 FM_G04B 1. @00098 FM_G04C 1. @00099 FM_Q05 1. @00100 FM_Q06A 1. @00101 FM_Q06B 1. @00102 FM_Q06C 1. @00103 FM_Q07 1. @00104 ME_Q01 1. @00105 ME_G02 2. @00107 ME_Q03A 1. @00108 ME_Q03B 1. @00109 ME_Q03C 1. @00110 ME_Q03D 1. @00111 ME_Q03E 1. @00112 ME_Q03F 1. @00113 ME_Q03G 1. @00114 ME_Q03H 1. @00115 ME_Q03I 1. @00116 ME_Q03J 1. @00117 ME_Q03K 1. @00118 ME_Q03L 1. @00119 ME_Q03M 1. @00120 ME_Q03N 1. @00121 ME_Q03O 1. @00122 TENURE 1. @00123 ME_G06 2. @00125 ME_Q07 1. @00126 ME_Q08 1. @00127 ME_Q09 1. @00128 ME_Q10 2. @00130 ME_Q11A 1. @00131 ME_Q11B 1. @00132 ME_Q11C 1. @00133 ME_Q11D 1. @00134 ME_Q11E 1. @00135 ME_Q11F 1. @00136 ME_Q11G 1. @00137 ME_Q11H 1. @00138 ME_Q11I 1. @00139 ME_Q11J 1. @00140 ME_Q11K 1. @00141 ME_Q11L 1. @00142 ME_Q11M 1. @00143 ME_Q12 1. @00144 ME_Q13A 1. @00145 ME_Q13B 1. @00146 ME_Q13C 1. @00147 ME_Q13D 1. @00148 ME_Q13E 1. @00149 ME_Q13F 1. @00150 ME_Q13G 1. @00151 ME_Q13H 1. @00152 ME_Q13I 1. @00153 ME_Q14 1. @00154 EF_Q01 1. @00155 EF_Q02 1. @00156 EF_Q03A 1. @00157 EF_Q03B 1. @00158 EF_Q03C 1. @00159 EF_Q03D 1. @00160 EF_Q03E 1. @00161 EF_Q03F 1. @00162 EF_Q03G 1. @00163 EF_Q04A 1. @00164 EF_Q04B 1. @00165 EF_Q04C 1. @00166 EF_Q04D 1. @00167 EF_Q04E 1. @00168 EF_Q04F 1. @00169 EF_Q04G 1. @00170 EF_Q04H 1. @00171 EF_Q04I 1. @00172 EF_Q04J 1. @00173 EF_Q05A 1. @00174 EF_Q05B 1. @00175 EF_Q05C 1. @00176 EF_Q05D 1. @00177 EF_Q05E 1. @00178 EF_Q05F 1. @00179 EF_Q05G 1. @00180 EF_Q05H 1. @00181 RP_Q01 1. @00182 RP_Q02A 1. @00183 RP_Q02B 1. @00184 RP_Q02C 1. @00185 RP_Q02D 1. @00186 RP_Q02E 1. @00187 RP_Q02F 1. @00188 RP_Q02G 1. @00189 RP_Q02H 1. @00190 RP_Q02I 1. @00191 RP_Q02J 1. @00192 RP_Q02K 1. @00193 RP_Q03 1. @00194 RP_Q04 1. @00195 RP_G05A 2. @00197 RP_Q06A 1. @00198 RP_Q06B 1. @00199 RP_Q06C 1. @00200 RP_Q06D 1. @00201 RP_Q06E 1. @00202 RP_Q06F 1. @00203 RP_Q06G 1. @00204 RP_Q06H 1. @00205 RP_Q06I 1. @00206 RP_Q06J 1. @00207 RP_Q06K 1. @00208 RP_Q06L 1. @00209 RP_Q07 2. @00211 RP_Q08 1. @00212 RP_Q09 1. @00213 RP_Q10 1. @00214 RP_Q11 1. @00215 AD_Q01A 1. @00216 AD_Q01B 1. @00217 AD_Q01C 1. @00218 AD_Q01D 1. @00219 AD_Q01E 1. @00220 AD_Q01F 1. @00221 AD_G02 2. @00223 AD_Q03 1. @00224 AD_G04A 2. @00226 AD_Q05 1. @00227 AD_G06 2. @00229 AD_Q07A 1. @00230 AD_Q07B 1. @00231 AD_Q07C 1. @00232 AD_Q07D 1. @00233 AD_Q07E 1. @00234 AD_Q07F 1. @00235 AD_Q07G 1. @00236 AD_G08 2. @00238 AD_Q09A 1. @00239 AD_Q09B 1. @00240 AD_Q09C 1. @00241 AD_Q09D 1. @00242 AD_Q09E 1. @00243 AD_G10A 1. @00244 G_ASSETS 9. @00253 AD_Q11A 1. @00254 AD_Q11B 1. @00255 AD_Q11C 1. @00256 AD_Q11D 1. @00257 AD_Q11E 1. @00258 AD_Q11F 1. @00259 AD_Q11G 1. @00260 AD_Q11H 1. @00261 AD_G12 2. @00263 IN_Q01A 1. @00264 IN_Q01B 1. @00265 IN_Q01C 1. @00266 IN_Q01D 1. @00267 IN_Q01E 1. @00268 IN_Q01F 1. @00269 IN_Q01G 1. @00270 IN_Q01H 1. @00271 IN_Q01I 1. @00272 IN_D01 2. @00274 IN_G02 2. @00276 PINCQUIN 1. @00277 PINCDEC 2. @00279 IN_G04 2. @00281 HINCQUIN 1. @00282 HINCDEC 2. @00284 FC_Q01A 1. @00285 FC_Q01B 1. @00286 FC_Q01C 1. @00287 FC_Q01D 1. @00288 FC_Q01E 1. @00289 FC_Q01F 1. @00290 FC_Q01G 1. @00291 FC_Q01H 1. @00292 FC_Q01I 1. @00293 FC_Q01J 1. @00294 FC_Q01K 1. @00295 FC_Q02A 1. @00296 FC_Q02B 1. @00297 FC_Q02C 1. @00298 FC_Q02D 1. @00299 FC_Q02E 1. @00300 FC_Q02F 1. @00301 FC_Q02G 1. @00302 FC_Q02H 1. @00303 FC_Q02I 1. @00304 FC_Q02J 1. @00305 FC_Q02K 1. @00306 FC_Q02L 1. @00307 FC_Q02M 1. @00308 FC_Q02N 1. @00309 FC_Q02O 1. @00310 FC_Q02P 1. @00311 FC_Q03 1. @00312 FC_Q04A 1. @00313 FC_Q04B 1. @00314 FC_Q04C 1. @00315 FC_Q04D 1. @00316 FC_Q04E 1. @00317 FC_Q04F 1. @00318 FC_Q04G 1. @00319 FC_Q04H 1. @00320 FC_Q04I 1. @00321 FC_Q05A 1. @00322 FC_Q05B 1. @00323 FC_Q05C 1. @00324 FC_Q05D 1. @00325 FC_Q05E 1. @00326 FC_Q05F 1. @00327 FC_Q05G 1. @00328 FC_Q05H 1. @00329 FC_Q05I 1. @00330 FC_Q05J 1. @00331 FC_Q05K 1. @00332 FC_Q06A 1. @00333 FC_Q06B 1. @00334 FC_Q06C 1. @00335 FC_Q06D 1. @00336 FC_Q06E 1. @00337 FC_Q06F 1. @00338 FC_Q06G 1. @00339 FC_Q06H 1. @00340 FC_Q07A 1. @00341 FC_Q07B 1. @00342 FC_Q07C 1. @00343 FC_Q07D 1. @00344 FC_Q07E 1. @00345 FC_Q07F 1. @00346 FC_Q07G 1. @00347 FC_Q07H 1. @00348 FC_Q07I 1. @00349 FC_Q08 1. @00350 FC_Q09 1. @00351 FC_Q10 1. @00352 FC_Q11 1. @00353 FC_Q12 1. @00354 SA_Q01 1. @00355 SA_Q02 1. @00356 SA_Q03 1. @00357 SA_Q04 1. @00358 SA_Q05 1. @00359 SA_Q06 1. @00360 SA_Q07 1. @00361 SA_Q08 1. @00362 SA_Q09 1. @00363 SA_Q10 1. @00364 SA_Q11 1. @00365 SA_Q12 1. @00366 SA_Q13 1. @00367 SA_Q14 1. @00368 OA_Q01 1. @00369 OA_Q02 1. @00370 OA_Q03 1. @00371 OA_Q04 1. @00372 OA_Q05 1. @00373 OA_Q06 1. @00374 OA_Q07 1. @00375 OA_Q08 1. @00376 OA_Q09 1. @00377 OA_Q10 1. @00378 OA_Q11 1. @00379 OA_Q12 1. @00380 OA_Q13 1. @00381 OA_Q14 1. @00382 WTPP 12.4; LABEL PUMFID = "PUMF identification number"; LABEL GREGION = "Grouped province of residence."; LABEL CMA_REG = "Census Metropolitan Area - Grouped"; LABEL G2AGE = "Age of respondent - grouped"; LABEL SEX = "Sex of respondent."; LABEL GGMRSTAT = "Marital status of respondent."; LABEL GNHHSIZE = "Grouped-Number of people in the household"; LABEL GGHH18PL = "Grouped - Number of persons aged 18 and over"; LABEL GGHHLT18 = "Grouped - Number of persons less than 18 years of age"; LABEL GGHHLT12 = "Grouped - Number of persons less than 12 years of age"; LABEL GGR2REF = "Grouped - Respondent's relationship to reference person"; LABEL GFRSTLNG = "First language learned"; LABEL DM_G04 = "Immigration status - grouped"; LABEL DM_G05 = "Year of immigration"; LABEL DM_Q06 = "Are you an Aboriginal person?"; LABEL DM_G08 = "Highest level of school attained"; LABEL DM_Q09 = "Course/prog-economy or financial matters"; LABEL DM_Q10 = "Was this course for...?"; LABEL DM_Q11 = "Currently have internet at home"; LABEL LF_G01 = "Are you now..."; LABEL LF_G02 = "Time off for vaca, ill, mat/pat lv, etc"; LABEL OCC6PREV = "NOCS Unit group - previous job"; LABEL OCC6CURR = "NOCS Unit group - current job"; LABEL LF_G05 = "BetterHalf 's current work situation"; LABEL LF_G06 = "BetterHalf work in the last 12 months"; LABEL OCC6SPSE = "NOCS Unit group - spouse job"; LABEL OE_Q01 = "Responsible for regular bills?"; LABEL OE_G02AA = "Chequing/Savings accounts - grouped"; LABEL OE_G02B = "Joint accounts - grouped"; LABEL OE_D02 = "Total bank accounts"; LABEL OE_G03 = "Different institutions - grouped"; LABEL OE_Q04A = "I check bank statement sent in the mail"; LABEL OE_Q04B = "I check the statement online"; LABEL OE_Q04C = "I check through telephone banking"; LABEL OE_Q04D = "I call the bank and ask for my balance"; LABEL OE_Q04E = "At a bank branch"; LABEL OE_Q04F = "At an ATM/cash machine"; LABEL OE_Q04H = "I never check"; LABEL OE_Q05 = "How often do you check acct balance(s)"; LABEL OE_Q06 = "Family member have a credit card"; LABEL OE_Q07 = "When you need cash, do you"; LABEL OE_Q08 = "How do you pay for day-to-day purchases"; LABEL OE_Q09 = "Following methods-pay your bills"; LABEL OE_Q10 = "Why use credit card to pay bills/purch."; LABEL OE_Q11 = "Do you have a household budget?"; LABEL OE_Q12 = "How often you stay within your budget?"; LABEL OE_G13 = "Family spend monthly on recurring exp"; LABEL LATEPMTS = "Late payments in last 12 months 2 consecutive months"; LABEL OE_Q17 = "Keeping up with bills and finan commit"; LABEL FM_Q01 = "Responsible-fin invest/plan decisions"; LABEL PMKSTAT = "Responsible for ongoing expenses/finan investment"; LABEL FM_Q02A = "Use savings"; LABEL FM_Q02B = "Borrow from a friend or relative"; LABEL FM_Q02C = "Use a personal line of credit"; LABEL FM_Q02D = "Borrow from a financial institution"; LABEL FM_Q02E = "Use a credit card"; LABEL FM_Q02F = "Sell financial asset/pers possession"; LABEL FM_Q02G = "Go to pawnbroker or payday loan service"; LABEL FM_Q02H = "Arrangements with creditor"; LABEL FM_Q02I = "Other - Specify"; LABEL FM_Q02J = "Not be able to pay this expenditure"; LABEL FM_Q03A = "Use savings"; LABEL FM_Q03B = "Borrow from a friend or relative"; LABEL FM_Q03C = "Use a personal line of credit"; LABEL FM_Q03D = "Borrow from a financial institution"; LABEL FM_Q03E = "Use a credit card"; LABEL FM_Q03F = "Sell financial asset/pers possession"; LABEL FM_Q03G = "Go to pawnbroker or payday loan service"; LABEL FM_Q03H = "Arrangements with creditor"; LABEL FM_Q03I = "Other - Specify"; LABEL FM_Q03J = "Not be able to pay this expenditure"; LABEL FM_G04A = "Use of pawnbroker - grouped"; LABEL FM_G04B = "Use of a payday loan service - grouped"; LABEL FM_G04C = "Use of a cheque cashing service - grouped"; LABEL FM_Q05 = "Withdrawn RRSP other than for retirement"; LABEL FM_Q06A = "Through the Home Buyers' Plan"; LABEL FM_Q06B = "Through the Lifelong Learning Plan"; LABEL FM_Q06C = "Was that for personal reasons"; LABEL FM_Q07 = "Declared bankruptcy or for/inf proposal"; LABEL ME_Q01 = "Plan to make purchases of $10,000+"; LABEL ME_G02 = "Describe purchase you plan to make."; LABEL ME_Q03A = "Use savings (down payment/full price)"; LABEL ME_Q03B = "From financial institution (lease/loan)"; LABEL ME_Q03C = "Monthly payments"; LABEL ME_Q03D = "Sell investments"; LABEL ME_Q03E = "Sell/use an asset to secure the funds"; LABEL ME_Q03F = "Cash endowment, life insurance policy"; LABEL ME_Q03G = "Cut back on spending"; LABEL ME_Q03H = "Credit card, line of credit/overdraft"; LABEL ME_Q03I = "Borrow money from family or friends"; LABEL ME_Q03J = "Make arrangements with creditors"; LABEL ME_Q03K = "Get a job, second job/overtime"; LABEL ME_Q03L = "Mortgage, borrow against, remortgage"; LABEL ME_Q03M = "Sell home or move to smaller home"; LABEL ME_Q03N = "Use a cash gift or inheritance"; LABEL ME_Q03O = "Other - Specify"; LABEL TENURE = "Housing tenure"; LABEL ME_G06 = "Years left of mortgage payments - grouped"; LABEL ME_Q07 = "Plans to purchase house next five yrs"; LABEL ME_Q08 = "Plan to purchase this house in"; LABEL ME_Q09 = "Price range of house plan to purchase"; LABEL ME_Q10 = "% of total price saved for future home"; LABEL ME_Q11A = "From current account (exc overdraft)"; LABEL ME_Q11B = "Money from reg savings fund"; LABEL ME_Q11C = "Money from the sale of previous home"; LABEL ME_Q11D = "Sell invest (other than previous home)"; LABEL ME_Q11E = "Sell/use an asset to secure funds"; LABEL ME_Q11F = "Endowment or life insurance policy"; LABEL ME_Q11G = "Use a credit card or overdraft"; LABEL ME_Q11H = "Borrow money from family or friends"; LABEL ME_Q11I = "Use a cash gift or inheritance"; LABEL ME_Q11J = "Withdraw savings from RRSP"; LABEL ME_Q11K = "Getting a job, second job, better job"; LABEL ME_Q11L = "Other - Specify"; LABEL ME_Q11M = "Nothing"; LABEL ME_Q12 = "Expecting other costs for future home"; LABEL ME_Q13A = "Legal fees (lawyer's fees/disbursements)"; LABEL ME_Q13B = "Taxes (land transfer, GST, etc.)"; LABEL ME_Q13C = "Furniture or appliances"; LABEL ME_Q13D = "Moving costs"; LABEL ME_Q13E = "Utility deposits"; LABEL ME_Q13F = "Real estate fees"; LABEL ME_Q13G = "Renovations, upgrades, repairs"; LABEL ME_Q13H = "Condo, co-op, community development fees"; LABEL ME_Q13I = "Other - Specify"; LABEL ME_Q14 = "Expect enough money to cover costs"; LABEL EF_Q01 = "Fin resp for any kids under 18"; LABEL EF_Q02 = "Saving/saved-kids postsec ed"; LABEL EF_Q03A = "Do not expect your child(ren) will go"; LABEL EF_Q03B = "Feel its your child's responsibility"; LABEL EF_Q03C = "Someone currently saving/already saved"; LABEL EF_Q03D = "Other financial obligations prevent"; LABEL EF_Q03E = "Unemployed and cannot afford to save"; LABEL EF_Q03F = "Do not earn enough money to save"; LABEL EF_Q03G = "Other"; LABEL EF_Q04A = "Contribute to a RESP account"; LABEL EF_Q04B = "Purchase GICs, govt savings bonds etc"; LABEL EF_Q04C = "Dedicated savings plan or account"; LABEL EF_Q04D = "Purchase mutual funds, stocks, etc"; LABEL EF_Q04E = "Contribute to a trust fund"; LABEL EF_Q04F = "My spouse has made provisions"; LABEL EF_Q04G = "Another family member made provisions"; LABEL EF_Q04H = "Money from a family member/friend"; LABEL EF_Q04I = "Nothing at all"; LABEL EF_Q04J = "Other - Specify"; LABEL EF_Q05A = "Employment or pension income"; LABEL EF_Q05B = "From loans that you will take out"; LABEL EF_Q05C = "By co-signing a student loan"; LABEL EF_Q05D = "From the sale of assets"; LABEL EF_Q05E = "Providing free room and board"; LABEL EF_Q05F = "Providing the use of a car"; LABEL EF_Q05G = "Nothing at all"; LABEL EF_Q05H = "Other"; LABEL RP_Q01 = "Fin prep for reti-own/emp pension plan"; LABEL RP_Q02A = "Government pension benefits"; LABEL RP_Q02B = "Occ/workplace pension plan benefits"; LABEL RP_Q02C = "Personal retirement saving plan benefits"; LABEL RP_Q02D = "Obtaining a reverse mortgage"; LABEL RP_Q02E = "Sell your financial assets"; LABEL RP_Q02F = "Sell your non-financial assets"; LABEL RP_Q02G = "Use an inheritance"; LABEL RP_Q02H = "Rely financial support from ext family"; LABEL RP_Q02I = "Drawing an income from own business"; LABEL RP_Q02J = "Earnings from employment in retirement"; LABEL RP_Q02K = "Other"; LABEL RP_Q03 = "When reti how many workplace pensions"; LABEL RP_Q04 = "Workplace-base amount of your benefits"; LABEL RP_G05A = "Contributed to pension - grouped"; LABEL RP_Q06A = "No job, haven't worked long enough"; LABEL RP_Q06B = "Can't afford to, don't earn enough"; LABEL RP_Q06C = "Debts, bills, financial commitments"; LABEL RP_Q06D = "Am relying on government pension"; LABEL RP_Q06E = "Am relying on partner's pension"; LABEL RP_Q06F = "Relying on future inheritance"; LABEL RP_Q06G = "Relying on financial support from family"; LABEL RP_Q06H = "Don't think about it"; LABEL RP_Q06I = "Don't think I'll live that long"; LABEL RP_Q06J = "Waiting to get a job with pension plan"; LABEL RP_Q06K = "I'm young, lots of time"; LABEL RP_Q06L = "Other"; LABEL RP_Q07 = "Primary source income at retirement"; LABEL RP_Q08 = "HH inc time of ret will give stan of liv"; LABEL RP_Q09 = "$ to maintain stand of liv when retire"; LABEL RP_Q10 = "Describe fin standard living in retire"; LABEL RP_Q11 = "Ret income cover monthly expenses"; LABEL AD_Q01A = "House or property"; LABEL AD_Q01B = "Vehicles"; LABEL AD_Q01C = "Collections, ant, jewels,etc"; LABEL AD_Q01D = "Home furnishings"; LABEL AD_Q01E = "Other tangible assets"; LABEL AD_Q01F = "None of these assets"; LABEL AD_G02 = "Worth of tangible assets - grouped"; LABEL AD_Q03 = "Have any RRSPs"; LABEL AD_G04A = "Value of RRSPs - grouped"; LABEL AD_Q05 = "Have any RESPs"; LABEL AD_G06 = "Value of RESPs - grouped"; LABEL AD_Q07A = "Cash savings"; LABEL AD_Q07B = "Investments"; LABEL AD_Q07C = "Registered disability savings plan"; LABEL AD_Q07D = "Tax free savings plan"; LABEL AD_Q07E = "Private pensions"; LABEL AD_Q07F = "Other financial assets"; LABEL AD_Q07G = "None of these assets"; LABEL AD_G08 = "Value of financial assets - grouped"; LABEL AD_Q09A = "Agri property, machinery and equipment"; LABEL AD_Q09B = "Wholly/partially owned business"; LABEL AD_Q09C = "Copyrights, patents or royalties"; LABEL AD_Q09D = "Other business assets/properties"; LABEL AD_Q09E = "None of these assets"; LABEL AD_G10A = "Value of business assets - grouped"; LABEL G_ASSETS = "Total assets"; LABEL AD_Q11A = "Mortgages (principal residence/other)"; LABEL AD_Q11B = "Student loans"; LABEL AD_Q11C = "Payday loans"; LABEL AD_Q11D = "Other loans"; LABEL AD_Q11E = "Outstanding credit card balances"; LABEL AD_Q11F = "Outstanding balances on lines of credit"; LABEL AD_Q11G = "Other debts or liabilities"; LABEL AD_Q11H = "None of these debts or liabilities"; LABEL AD_G12 = "Value of debts and liabilities - grouped"; LABEL IN_Q01A = "Income-wages/sala incl com, tips and bon"; LABEL IN_Q01B = "Income- self-emp and inc from roomers"; LABEL IN_Q01C = "Income-interest, dividends, etc"; LABEL IN_Q01D = "Income-CPP/QPP,OAS,GIS"; LABEL IN_Q01E = "Income-employment insurance benefits"; LABEL IN_Q01F = "Income-social assistance and prov supp"; LABEL IN_Q01G = "Income-other government sources"; LABEL IN_Q01H = "Income-pensions, RRIF/RRSP withdraw"; LABEL IN_Q01I = "Income-other income such as alimony,etc"; LABEL IN_D01 = "Sources of income"; LABEL IN_G02 = "Total personal income - grouped"; LABEL PINCQUIN = "Income quintile - person level"; LABEL PINCDEC = "Income decile - person level"; LABEL IN_G04 = "Total household income - grouped"; LABEL HINCQUIN = "Income quintile - household level"; LABEL HINCDEC = "Income decile - household level"; LABEL FC_Q01A = "Retirement planning"; LABEL FC_Q01B = "Children's education planning"; LABEL FC_Q01C = "Estate planning"; LABEL FC_Q01D = "Insurance"; LABEL FC_Q01E = "Tax planning"; LABEL FC_Q01F = "General financial plannings"; LABEL FC_Q01G = "Mortgages"; LABEL FC_Q01H = "Debt management"; LABEL FC_Q01I = "Anything else"; LABEL FC_Q01J = "No advice avail/couldn't find"; LABEL FC_Q01K = "No, did not use any advice"; LABEL FC_Q02A = "Accountant"; LABEL FC_Q02B = "Lawyer, Notary"; LABEL FC_Q02C = "Financial advisor"; LABEL FC_Q02D = "Accountant"; LABEL FC_Q02E = "Credit, Bankruptcy advisor"; LABEL FC_Q02F = "Bank"; LABEL FC_Q02G = "Insurance Company"; LABEL FC_Q02H = "Government institutions"; LABEL FC_Q02I = "Social associations"; LABEL FC_Q02J = "Work, employer"; LABEL FC_Q02K = "Internet"; LABEL FC_Q02L = "Media"; LABEL FC_Q02M = "Books, library"; LABEL FC_Q02N = "School, seminars, workshop"; LABEL FC_Q02O = "Friends, family"; LABEL FC_Q02P = "Advice-Other"; LABEL FC_Q03 = "Did you pay for any of this advice?"; LABEL FC_Q04A = "Advertisements"; LABEL FC_Q04B = "Magazines"; LABEL FC_Q04C = "Newspapers"; LABEL FC_Q04D = "Radio or Television"; LABEL FC_Q04E = "Internet"; LABEL FC_Q04F = "Advice from Financial Advisor"; LABEL FC_Q04G = "Advice from a knowledgeable friend"; LABEL FC_Q04H = "Other"; LABEL FC_Q04I = "None of the above"; LABEL FC_Q05A = "The housing market"; LABEL FC_Q05B = "The stock market"; LABEL FC_Q05C = "The currency (money) market"; LABEL FC_Q05D = "Interest rates"; LABEL FC_Q05E = "Inflation"; LABEL FC_Q05F = "Taxation"; LABEL FC_Q05G = "The job market"; LABEL FC_Q05H = "Pension plans, and benefits"; LABEL FC_Q05I = "Sales of consumer goods and services"; LABEL FC_Q05J = "Other"; LABEL FC_Q05K = "None of the above"; LABEL FC_Q06A = "Newspapers"; LABEL FC_Q06B = "Financial/business pages in newspapers"; LABEL FC_Q06C = "Financial magazines"; LABEL FC_Q06D = "Current event magazines"; LABEL FC_Q06E = "Radio/TV business and financial programs"; LABEL FC_Q06F = "Internet"; LABEL FC_Q06G = "Financial advisor"; LABEL FC_Q06H = "Other"; LABEL FC_Q07A = "Auto"; LABEL FC_Q07B = "Life"; LABEL FC_Q07C = "Disability"; LABEL FC_Q07D = "Loss of income"; LABEL FC_Q07E = "Property (home)"; LABEL FC_Q07F = "Renters (content)"; LABEL FC_Q07G = "Travel"; LABEL FC_Q07H = "Other"; LABEL FC_Q07I = "None of the above"; LABEL FC_Q08 = "All insurance policies with one company"; LABEL FC_Q09 = "Do you currently have a will?"; LABEL FC_Q10 = "Have pow of att drawn for household"; LABEL FC_Q11 = "Last request a credit report"; LABEL FC_Q12 = "Found an error on pers cons credit rep"; LABEL SA_Q01 = "Level of financial knowledge"; LABEL SA_Q02 = "Keeping track of money"; LABEL SA_Q03 = "Making ends meet"; LABEL SA_Q04 = "Best finan product-loans/ins rates"; LABEL SA_Q05 = "Staying informed on financial issues"; LABEL SA_Q06 = "Later regretted finan decision"; LABEL SA_Q07 = "Ag/Dg-enjoy dealing with finan matters."; LABEL SA_Q08 = "Ag/Dg-trust profes finan adv"; LABEL SA_Q09 = "Ag/Dg-freq get finan adv from fri/fam"; LABEL SA_Q10 = "Ag/Dg clear idea of finan prod needed"; LABEL SA_Q11 = "Ag/Dg-Close personal watch on finan aff"; LABEL SA_Q12 = "Ag/Dg-Suitable for circumstances."; LABEL SA_Q13 = "Ag/Dg-always research my choices"; LABEL SA_Q14 = "Ag/Dg-consult family/spouse making finan"; LABEL OA_Q01 = "Savings have as much buying power"; LABEL OA_Q02 = "A credit report is...?"; LABEL OA_Q03 = "Insures your stocks in the stock market"; LABEL OA_Q04 = "T/F-easily compare the cost of any brand"; LABEL OA_Q05 = "Would need greatest amount of life ins"; LABEL OA_Q06 = "Interest would earn on this account"; LABEL OA_Q07 = "Problem during periods of high inflation"; LABEL OA_Q08 = "Safest place for her university money"; LABEL OA_Q09 = "Sudden increase in inflation"; LABEL OA_Q10 = "Financially beneficial to borrow money"; LABEL OA_Q11 = "Not correct about ATM cards"; LABEL OA_Q12 = "Hurt your credit rating?"; LABEL OA_Q13 = "Amount of interest pay on a loan"; LABEL OA_Q14 = "Help lower the cost of a house"; LABEL WTPP = "Public use microdata file, survey weight of a person"; FORMAT GREGION GREGION. CMA_REG CMA_REG. G2AGE G2AGE. SEX SEX. GGMRSTAT GGMRSTAT. GNHHSIZE GNHHSIZE. GGHH18PL GGHH18PL. GGHHLT18 GGHHLT18F. GGHHLT12 GGHHLT12F. GGR2REF GGR2REF. GFRSTLNG GFRSTLNG. DM_G04 DM_G04F. DM_G05 DM_G05F. DM_Q06 DM_Q09 DM_Q11 LF_G02 LF_G06 OE_Q04A OE_Q04B OE_Q04C OE_Q04D OE_Q04E OE_Q04F OE_Q04H OE_Q06 OE_Q11 FM_Q02A FM_Q02B FM_Q02C FM_Q02D FM_Q02E FM_Q02F FM_Q02G FM_Q02H FM_Q02I FM_Q02J FM_Q03A FM_Q03B FM_Q03C FM_Q03D FM_Q03E FM_Q03F FM_Q03G FM_Q03H FM_Q03I FM_Q03J FM_Q05 FM_Q06A FM_Q06B FM_Q06C FM_Q07 ME_Q01 ME_Q03A ME_Q03B ME_Q03C ME_Q03D ME_Q03E ME_Q03F ME_Q03G ME_Q03H ME_Q03I ME_Q03J ME_Q03K ME_Q03L ME_Q03M ME_Q03N ME_Q03O ME_Q07 ME_Q11A ME_Q11B ME_Q11C ME_Q11D ME_Q11E ME_Q11F ME_Q11G ME_Q11H ME_Q11I ME_Q11J ME_Q11K ME_Q11L ME_Q11M ME_Q13A ME_Q13B ME_Q13C ME_Q13D ME_Q13E ME_Q13F ME_Q13G ME_Q13H ME_Q13I ME_Q14 EF_Q01 EF_Q02 EF_Q03A EF_Q03B EF_Q03C EF_Q03D EF_Q03E EF_Q03F EF_Q03G EF_Q04A EF_Q04B EF_Q04C EF_Q04D EF_Q04E EF_Q04F EF_Q04G EF_Q04H EF_Q04I EF_Q04J EF_Q05A EF_Q05B EF_Q05C EF_Q05D EF_Q05E EF_Q05F EF_Q05G EF_Q05H RP_Q01 RP_Q02A RP_Q02B RP_Q02C RP_Q02D RP_Q02E RP_Q02F RP_Q02G RP_Q02H RP_Q02I RP_Q02J RP_Q02K RP_Q06A RP_Q06B RP_Q06C RP_Q06D RP_Q06E RP_Q06F RP_Q06G RP_Q06H RP_Q06I RP_Q06J RP_Q06K RP_Q06L RP_Q09 RP_Q11 AD_Q01A AD_Q01B AD_Q01C AD_Q01D AD_Q01E AD_Q01F AD_Q03 AD_Q05 AD_Q07A AD_Q07B AD_Q07C AD_Q07D AD_Q07E AD_Q07F AD_Q07G AD_Q09A AD_Q09B AD_Q09C AD_Q09D AD_Q09E AD_Q11A AD_Q11B AD_Q11C AD_Q11D AD_Q11E AD_Q11F AD_Q11G AD_Q11H IN_Q01A IN_Q01B IN_Q01C IN_Q01D IN_Q01E IN_Q01F IN_Q01G IN_Q01H IN_Q01I FC_Q01A FC_Q01B FC_Q01C FC_Q01D FC_Q01E FC_Q01F FC_Q01G FC_Q01H FC_Q01I FC_Q01J FC_Q01K FC_Q02A FC_Q02B FC_Q02C FC_Q02D FC_Q02E FC_Q02F FC_Q02G FC_Q02H FC_Q02I FC_Q02J FC_Q02K FC_Q02L FC_Q02M FC_Q02N FC_Q02O FC_Q02P FC_Q03 FC_Q04A FC_Q04B FC_Q04C FC_Q04D FC_Q04E FC_Q04F FC_Q04G FC_Q04H FC_Q04I FC_Q05A FC_Q05B FC_Q05C FC_Q05D FC_Q05E FC_Q05F FC_Q05G FC_Q05H FC_Q05I FC_Q05J FC_Q05K FC_Q06A FC_Q06B FC_Q06C FC_Q06D FC_Q06E FC_Q06F FC_Q06G FC_Q06H FC_Q07A FC_Q07B FC_Q07C FC_Q07D FC_Q07E FC_Q07F FC_Q07G FC_Q07H FC_Q07I FC_Q08 FC_Q09 FC_Q10 FC_Q12 OA_Q01 tYesNo. DM_G08 DM_G08F. DM_Q10 DM_Q10F. LF_G01 LF_G05 EMPLOY. OCC6PREV OCC6PREV. OCC6CURR OCC6CURR. OCC6SPSE OCC6SPSE. OE_Q01 OE_Q01F. OE_G02AA OE_G02AA. OE_G02B OE_G02B. OE_D02 OE_D02F. OE_G03 OE_G03F. OE_Q05 OE_Q05F. OE_Q07 OE_Q07F. OE_Q08 OE_Q08F. OE_Q09 OE_Q09F. OE_Q10 OE_Q10F. OE_Q12 OE_Q12F. OE_G13 OE_G13F. LATEPMTS LATEPMTS. OE_Q17 OE_Q17F. FM_Q01 FM_Q01F. PMKSTAT PMKSTAT. FM_G04A FM_G04A. FM_G04B FM_G04B. FM_G04C FM_G04C. ME_G02 ME_G02F. TENURE TENURE. ME_G06 ME_G06F. ME_Q08 ME_Q08F. ME_Q09 ME_Q09F. ME_Q10 ME_Q10F. ME_Q12 SA_Q06 YESNO. RP_Q03 RP_Q03F. RP_Q04 RP_Q04F. RP_G05A RP_G05A. RP_Q07 RP_Q07F. RP_Q08 RP_Q08F. RP_Q10 RP_Q10F. AD_G02 AD_G02F. AD_G04A AD_G04A. AD_G06 AD_G06F. AD_G08 AD_G08F. AD_G10A AD_G10A. G_ASSETS VALUE. AD_G12 AD_G12F. IN_D01 IN_D01F. IN_G02 IN_G02F. PINCQUIN PINCQUIN. PINCDEC PINCDEC. IN_G04 IN_G04F. HINCQUIN HINCQUIN. HINCDEC HINCDEC. FC_Q11 FC_Q11F. SA_Q01 SA_Q01F. SA_Q02 SA_Q03 SA_Q04 SA_Q05 AVGRATE. SA_Q07 SA_Q08 SA_Q09 SA_Q10 SA_Q11 SA_Q12 SA_Q13 SA_Q14 AGREE. OA_Q02 OA_Q02F. OA_Q03 OA_Q03F. OA_Q04 OA_Q04F. OA_Q05 OA_Q05F. OA_Q06 OA_Q06F. OA_Q07 OA_Q07F. OA_Q08 OA_Q08F. OA_Q09 OA_Q09F. OA_Q10 OA_Q10F. OA_Q11 OA_Q11F. OA_Q12 OA_Q12F. OA_Q13 OA_Q13F. OA_Q14 OA_Q14F.; run;