RECID Record identification number 1 UNIONTYP Type of union 1 UNIONRNK Rank of union 1 DVCURUNN Current union/marriage 2 DVAGEDCC Age of respondent at time of survey 2 DVSEX Sex of respondent 2 DVUNAGE Age of respondent at beginning of union 3 DVMSBEUN Marital status of respondent before entering union 3 DVSPMSBE Marital status of sp./par. before entering union 4 DVSPCOML Sp./part. lived cl with someone else before union 4 DVAGEDIF Age difference between respondent and spouse/par. 5 DVCLMAR Spouse/partner and resp. lived cl before marriage 5 DVAGEMAR Age of resp. at beginning of marriage 6 DVENDUNN Marriage/common-law union ended in .... 6 DVAGESEP Age of resp. when last separation happened(mar/cl) 7 DVAGDTHC Age of resp. when union ended due to death of sp. 7 DVAGEDIV Age of respondent when marriage ended in divorce 8 DVCHDEFF Type of effect the divorce/sep. had on children 8 DVDURSEP Duration of union to last separation 9 DVDURDTH Duration of union to death of spouse 9 DVDURDIV Duration of union to divorce 10 DVDUREND Duration of union 10