General Social Survey 2010 - Cycle 27 Cycle 27: Social Identity (SI) The two primary objectives of the General Social Survey (GSS) are: to gather data on social trends in order to monitor changes in the living conditions and well-being of Canadians over time; and to provide information on specific social policy issues of current or emerging interest. A specific topic is usually repeated every five years. The main objective of the GSS on Social Identity (SI) is to provide an overall picture of Canadians' identification, attachment, belonging and pride in their social and cultural environment. ====================================================== GSS/GSS27 GSS/GSS27/data (C27PUMF.TXT) compressed 49227 KB compressed 109571 KB compressed 100018 KB compressed 104177 KB GSS/GSS27/doc/syntax GSS72SI_PUMF_Syntax.sps ENGLISH SPSS COMMAND FILE ESG27IS_PUMF_Syntax.sps FRENCH SPSS COMMAND FILE English SAS command File French SAS command File GSS/GSS27/doc GSSC27ENgid.pdf English User's Guide GSSC27EN_cbk.pdf English Codebook GSSC27ENque.pdf English Questionnaire ESGC27FRgid.pdf French User's Guide ESGC27FR__cbk.pdf French Codebook ESGC27FRque.pdf French Questionnaire GSS27vfr.html Verification results