Households and the Environment Survey 2011 (Version 2) The Households and the Environment Survey (HES) was conducted in October and November 2011 as a supplement to the Canadian Community Health Survey. The survey was designed to specifically address the needs of its funding source the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) project, a joint venture between Statistics Canada, Environment Canada and Health Canada. The CESI project reports annually on air quality, water quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada using indicators to identify areas of importance to Canadians and monitor progress. /2011 /2011/data (hes2011dat.txt) compressed 896,833 HES2011_HES_Pumf.txt 361 line length 14,862 Records 5,394,906 Uncompressed /2011/doc hes2011gid_v2 .doc .pdf User's Guide hes2011vt_v2 .doc .pdf Variability Tables hes2011_v2 .sas SAS Cards hes2011_v2 .sps SPSS Cards hes2011cbk_v2 .doc .pdf Codebook hes2011que_v2 .doc .pdf Questionnaire