Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics 2011 (slid) L'Enquete sur la dynamique du travail et du revenu 2011 (edtr) Abstract: The Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) complements traditional survey data on labour market activity and income with an additional dimension: the changes experienced by individuals over time. At the heart of the survey's objectives is the understanding of the economic well-being of Canadians: what economic shifts do individuals and families live through, and how does it vary with changes in their paid work, family make-up, receipt of government transfers or other factors? The survey's longitudinal dimension makes it possible to see such concurrent and often related events. SLID is the first Canadian household survey to provide national data on the fluctuations in income that a typical family or individual experiences over time which gives greater insight on the nature and extent of poverty in Canada. Added to the longitudinal aspect are the "traditional" cross-sectional data: the primary Canadian source for income data and providing additional content to data collected by the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 3889 NOTE: -file(s) with extension .pdf, .wp, .wpd, .xls, .zip, .exe are Binary and -file(s) with extension .dat, .sas, .sps, .txt are Ascii ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTORY: /Data or /data ------------- DATA FILE(S): ------------- filename Description Census family ascii data file (record length 416) (number of records 27,996) Economic family ascii data file (record length 485) (number of records 25,109) Key ascii data file (record length 45) (number of records 57,836) Person ascii data file (record length 576) (number of records 47,705) NOTE: -file(s) with extension .pdf, .wp, .wpd, .xls, .zip, .exe are Binary and -file(s) with extension .dat, .sas, .sps, .txt are Ascii =============================================================================== ----------------- DOCUMENTATION(S): ----------------- DIRECTORY: /2011 README2011.txt LISEZMOI2011.txt DIRECTORY: /doc English French Description slid2011gid.pdf edtr2011gid.pdf Documentation and User's Guide. slid2011cbk.pdf edtr2011cbk.pdf Codebook. slid2011que-entry-exit.pdf edtr2011que-entrevue-entree.pdf Entry Exit Component Interview Questionnaire slid2011que-preliminary.pdf edtr2011que-preliminaire.pdf Preliminary, Labour and Income Interview Questionnaire slid2011app.xls edtr2011app.xls Appendix 1 - Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics Record Layout README2011.txt LISEZMOI2011.txt -------------------------------------- COMMAND FILE(S): SPSS code and/or SAS -------------------------------------- Description SAS card - Census Family file SAS card - Economic Family file SAS card - Key file SAS card - Person file SAS card - Census Family file SAS card - Economic Family file SAS card - Key file SAS card - Person file SAS AND SPSS CONTROL CARDS THESE ARE PROVIDED IN ASCII FILES TO ASSIST USERS IN CREATING SAS AND SPSS VERSIONS OF THE FILES FROM THE ASCII DATA FILES. THE SAS FILES ARE IN SUB-DIRECTORY SAS, WHILE THE SPSS FILES ARE IN SUB-DIRECTORY SPSS. FOR EACH OF THE THREE FILES, THERE ARE SIX CONTROL CARD FILES FOR SAS AND SIX CONTROL CARD FILES FOR SPSS. ALTHOUGH THE DATA DICTIONARY DIFFERENTIATES BETWEEN CHARACTER AND NUMERIC FIELDS, ALL FIELDS ARE DEFINED AS TYPE NUMERIC IN THE SPSS CONTROL CARDS. RECORD LAYOUT FILES: EC2011XX.LAY (EC2011XX REFERS TO ANY OF THE FOUR DATA FILES AS DESCRIBED ABOVE) THESE FILES CONTAIN A LIST OF VARIABLES WITH: VARIABLE NAME, FORMAT AND FILE POSITION. LABEL FILES: EC2011XX.LBE (ENGLISH) AND EC2011XX.LBF (FRENCH). THESE FILES CAN BE USED IN SAS STATEMENTS TO SHOW OUTPUT WITH THE FULL VARIABLE LABELS (LONG VARIABLES NAMES) INSTEAD OF THE 8-CHARACTER VARIABLE NAMES. CODE FILES: EC2011XX.CDE (ENGLISH) AND EC2011XX.CDF (FRENCH). THESE FILES CAN BE USED IN SAS STATEMENTS TO SHOW OUTPUT WITH THE CATEGORY LABELS INSTEAD OF CODES. FORMAT FILES: EC2011XX.FMT. IN THE SAS CONTROL CARDS, THESE FILES LINK THE FORMATS PROVIDED IN THE CODE FILES TO THE VARIABLES SPECIFIED IN THE RECORD LAYOUT FILES. NO SUCH FILES ARE NECESSARY IN SPSS. MISSING VALUE FILES: EC2011XX.MVS. THESE FILES DEFINE THE RESERVED CODES FOR EACH VARIABLE. ALTHOUGH THEY MAY NOT EXIST FOR EVERY VARIABLE, THERE ARE FOUR RESERVED CODES ASSIGNED TO EACH VARIABLE. THEY ARE: NOT IN SLID SAMPLE, DON'T KNOW, REFUSAL, NOT APPLICABLE.